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Alive in Christ

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142 pages - Broché - - Prix 8,40 € Livraison reduite
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4e de couverture :
When we begin to understand Paul’s Epistle to the Ephesians, something wonderful happens to our spiritual life. Realizing how rich we are in Christ, we become filled with thankfulness and joy. We never envy non–Christians again. We see what it means to live as a Christian in today’s world. We become stable in our doctrinal understanding. In short, Ephesians produces exactly the sort of Christians we most need.

That is why this short commentary has been written. It is for those who want to begin to understand Paul’s great letter. More advanced believers will find spiritual refreshment here. May a fresh reading of Ephesians help all of us to ‘grow up in all things into him who is the head – Christ’ ! (Eph. 4:15).

Stuart Olyott has many years of pastoral experience. In Lausanne, Switzerland, he was pastor of L'Eglise Evangélique Baptiste and involved in pioneer work in several areas. He is currently ministering in a large inner-city church in Liverpool, England. He is author of several books published by Evangelical Press, including a number in the Welwyn Commentary series.
When we begin to understand Paul’s Epistle to the Ephesians, something wonderful happens to our spiritual life. Realizing how rich we are in Christ, we become filled with thankfulness and joy. We never envy non–Christians again. We see what it means to live as a Christian in today’s world. We become stable in our doctrinal understanding. In short, Ephesians produces exactly the sort of Christians we most need.

That is why this short commentary has been written. It is for those who want to begin to understand Paul’s great letter. More advanced believers will find spiritual refreshment here. May a fresh reading of Ephesians help all of us to ‘grow up in all things into him who is the head – Christ’ ! (Eph. 4:15).

Stuart Olyott has many years of pastoral experience. In Lausanne, Switzerland, he was pastor of L'Eglise Evangélique Baptiste and involved in pioneer work in several areas. He is currently ministering in a large inner-city church in Liverpool, England. He is author of several books published by Evangelical Press, including a number in the Welwyn Commentary series.
Avis :
Lorsque l'on commence à comprendre l’Épître de Paul aux Éphésiens, quelque chose de merveilleux arrive pour votre vie spirituelle. Réalisant la richesse que nous avons en Christ nous nous remplissons de joie et de gratitude. Nous n'environs plus jamais les non-chrétiens. Nous voyons ce que signifie vivre en chrétien dans le monde actuel. Nous devenons stables dans notre compréhension de la doctrine.
Lorsque l'on commence à comprendre l’Épître de Paul aux Éphésiens, quelque chose de merveilleux arrive pour votre vie spirituelle. Réalisant la richesse que nous avons en Christ nous nous remplissons de joie et de gratitude. Nous n'environs plus jamais les non-chrétiens. Nous voyons ce que signifie vivre en chrétien dans le monde actuel. Nous devenons stables dans notre compréhension de la doctrine.

Alive in Christ - par Stuart OLYOTT - Editeur EUROPRESSE

Tél. : Alès - Cholet - Rennes