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The Melody of the Wind

image The Melody of the Wind


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Sous-titre :
Classical guitar and recorder by Daniel and Françoise Dossmann
Editeur :
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Prix 12,00 € Livraison reduite
Thèmes :
4e de couverture :
1) The Savior Came
2) Joy for all People
3) Great is Thy Faithfulness
4) Jesus is Coming Again.
5) Wise Men's Offering
6) Just As Am.
7) Lullaby "Lord, You Are Wonderful"
8) In Remembrance of Me
9) Lullaby "Lord, Inpraise You"
10) Jesus is the King of Kings
11) The Announcement of Salvation.
1) The Savior Came
2) Joy for all People
3) Great is Thy Faithfulness
4) Jesus is Coming Again.
5) Wise Men's Offering
6) Just As Am.
7) Lullaby "Lord, You Are Wonderful"
8) In Remembrance of Me
9) Lullaby "Lord, Inpraise You"
10) Jesus is the King of Kings
11) The Announcement of Salvation.

The Melody of the Wind - Classical guitar and recorder by Daniel and Françoise Dossmann - par Daniel DOSSMANN - Editeur Mission To Missionaries

Tél. : Alès - Cholet - Rennes