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Synopsis Quattuor Evangeliorum. Locis Parallelis Evangelorium Apocrymphorum et Patrum Adhibitis Edidit

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Based on the text of the Novum Testamentum Graece, 26th (=27th) edition including the variants of the payri 101-111. With parallels from apocryphal gospels and patristic sources. For the first time, this edition includes in the appendix the Gospel of Thomas in the Coptic language and in new translations in German and English.
Based on the text of the Novum Testamentum Graece, 26th (=27th) edition including the variants of the payri 101-111. With parallels from apocryphal gospels and patristic sources. For the first time, this edition includes in the appendix the Gospel of Thomas in the Coptic language and in new translations in German and English.

Synopsis Quattuor Evangeliorum. Locis Parallelis Evangelorium Apocrymphorum et Patrum Adhibitis Edidit - par Kurt ALAND - Editeur Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft

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Commentaire de malachie

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