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Jonathan Edwards' Resolutions

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Sous-titre :
And Advice to Young Converts
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Info :
37 pages - Broché - - Prix 6,00 € Livraison reduite
Thèmes :
4e de couverture :
While completing his preparation for the ministry, Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758) wrote seventy resolutions that guided him throughout his life. About twenty years later he wrote a letter to young Deborah Hatheway, a new convert in a nearby town, advising her concerning the Christian life. These two writings, often reprinted during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, overflow with straight forward and biblically sound advice. This advice is as current today as it was in the 1700s, and it far surpasses the "how to" books now overrunning bookstores. If your knowledge of Edwards does not extend beyond his sermon "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God," you owe it to yourself to read Jonathan' Edward's Resolutions : And Advice to Young Converts.

Quelques mots sur Jonathan Edwards :
Jonathan Edwards est né en 1703 dans le village d'East Windsor, dans le Connecticut. Il est considéré encore aujourd'hui comme l'un des plus grands intellectuels américains. Il a beaucoup prêché sur l'équilibre entre la foi du coeur et la raison. À son époque, ses sermons ont déclenché toute une série de conversions et ont joué un rôle crucial dans le « Grand Réveil » en Nouvelle-Angleterre. Bien que peu connu dans la francophonie, son Å“uvre est immense et sa théologie renferme de précieux trésors.
While completing his preparation for the ministry, Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758) wrote seventy resolutions that guided him throughout his life. About twenty years later he wrote a letter to young Deborah Hatheway, a new convert in a nearby town, advising her concerning the Christian life. These two writings, often reprinted during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, overflow with straight forward and biblically sound advice. This advice is as current today as it was in the 1700s, and it far surpasses the "how to" books now overrunning bookstores. If your knowledge of Edwards does not extend beyond his sermon "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God," you owe it to yourself to read Jonathan' Edward's Resolutions : And Advice to Young Converts.

Quelques mots sur Jonathan Edwards :
Jonathan Edwards est né en 1703 dans le village d'East Windsor, dans le Connecticut. Il est considéré encore aujourd'hui comme l'un des plus grands intellectuels américains. Il a beaucoup prêché sur l'équilibre entre la foi du coeur et la raison. À son époque, ses sermons ont déclenché toute une série de conversions et ont joué un rôle crucial dans le « Grand Réveil » en Nouvelle-Angleterre. Bien que peu connu dans la francophonie, son Å“uvre est immense et sa théologie renferme de précieux trésors.

Jonathan Edwards' Resolutions - And Advice to Young Converts - par Jonathan EDWARDS - Editeur Crossway Books

Tél. : Alès - Cholet - Rennes