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Daniel : Tyndale Old Testament Commentary [Totc]

image Daniel : Tyndale Old Testament Commentary [Totc]


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168 pages - - Prix 24,00 € Livraison reduite
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4e de couverture :
Daniel in the lions’ den and Belshazzar’s feast are well–known stories, but the book of Daniel can be difficult to understand. It is about the meaning of history, and the church today needs to rely on the certainties it proclaims: ‘namely that God is constantly overruling and judging in the affairs of men, putting down the mighty from their seats, overthrowing unjust regimes and effectively bringing in his kingdom, which is to embrace all nations.’ Joyce Baldwin’s commentary includes discussion of interpretative and critical issues, and additional notes on key topics.
Daniel in the lions’ den and Belshazzar’s feast are well–known stories, but the book of Daniel can be difficult to understand. It is about the meaning of history, and the church today needs to rely on the certainties it proclaims: ‘namely that God is constantly overruling and judging in the affairs of men, putting down the mighty from their seats, overthrowing unjust regimes and effectively bringing in his kingdom, which is to embrace all nations.’ Joyce Baldwin’s commentary includes discussion of interpretative and critical issues, and additional notes on key topics.

Daniel : Tyndale Old Testament Commentary [Totc] - par Joyce G. BALDWIN - Editeur Ivp Press

Tél. : Alès - Cholet - Rennes